Free Pregnancy &
Abortion Counseling
in Hattiesburg, Mississippi
At Hope Clinic, your well-being and health is our priority. We provide clarity with compassion.
Get the answers you need to make an informed decision. All services are free and confidential.

Hope Clinic is a pregnancy resource center located in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. We offer medical services and information so that each individual faced with an unplanned pregnancy can make informed decisions.
We provide free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, STD/STI information, abortion education and information, information for guys, and much more because we care.
our mission is to provide clarity with compassion.
-our services-

-patient testimonials-

"Positive, Faithful, Women for Women."
former patient

“I left with judgement-free education about all my options. It was the first time I had a sense of hope about my situation.”
former patient

“The staff was so personable. I was heard and respected.”
former patient
know your options. be informed.
If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, we can help you by providing free pregnancy tests. When appropriate, we also offer a free ultrasound. Our trained staff is ready to provide you with confidential help at no cost to you. Click the button below to speak privately to one of our staff members.