It’s not a Magical Pill.

As with any medication you choose to take, they all come with side effects. And with the Abortion Pill, the potential risks may cause irreversible damage to your body and mental health. Before taking the Abortion Pill, take the time to learn about the side effects.

Confirming How Far Along You Are

It is important to first confirm how far along you are in your pregnancy, usually through an ultrasound. The abortion pill is only approved for pregnancies up to 10 weeks gestation. Taking it beyond 10 weeks significantly increases the chance of complications such as incomplete abortion, excessive bleeding, and infection. Discuss your options with your healthcare provider to determine the appropriate course based on the stage of your pregnancy.

Considering Proximity to Medical Care

While the abortion pill is often taken at home, it is still a significant medical procedure that requires supervision. You should consider your proximity to emergency care in case excessive bleeding or other severe complications occur. It is advisable to have someone you trust with you for at least 24 hours after taking the pills to monitor for adverse reactions. Living far from a hospital or clinic can endanger your health if urgent care is needed. Discuss access to support and medical services in your area beforehand.

Watching for Signs of Infection

There is a risk of bacterial infection if any fetal tissue remains in the uterus after taking the abortion pill. Symptoms of a serious infection include high fever, foul-smelling vaginal discharge, severe cramping, and abdominal pain. Such infections can quickly become life-threatening if left untreated. It is extremely important to follow up with your healthcare provider 1-2 weeks after a medical abortion to ensure the procedure is fully complete. Call your doctor right away if you experience any potential signs of infection.

Expecting Bleeding and Cramping

Bleeding and cramping are common and expected side effects of the abortion pill as the pregnancy passes. However, if you soak more than 2 menstrual pads per hour for 2 hours in a row, this indicates excessive hemorrhaging that requires prompt emergency medical care. You should seek immediate assistance if you experience dizziness, weakness, or heavy bleeding between periods.

Considering Risks if You Have an STD

Using the abortion pill when you have an untreated sexually transmitted disease, especially chlamydia, substantially heightens the chance of developing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) after the procedure. PID is an infection of the reproductive organs that can lead to scarring, chronic pelvic pain, formation of abscesses, impaired fertility, and other lasting consequences. Get tested for STDs before considering the abortion pill so any necessary treatment can be provided first.

Being Aware of Potential Emotional Effects

Some women experience depression, anxiety, regret, or trauma after having an abortion. The mix of hormonal changes and complex emotions can take a toll on mental health. Reflect carefully on how ending your pregnancy could impact you, and surround yourself with supportive friends, family, or professionals in your life. Take time to process your emotions and seek counseling if needed.

Understanding Future Fertility Implications

In rare cases, usually when there is a pre-existing infection, the abortion pill can cause scarring of the uterine lining. This may negatively impact future fertility and increase the risk of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy with future conceptions. If you hope to have children later, discuss this uncommon side effect with your obstetrician or gynecologist beforehand.

Exercising Caution with Certain Conditions

According to the Mayo Clinic, those with intrauterine devices (IUDs), allergies to the medications, or certain disorders involving the heart, liver, kidneys, or blood vessels may face higher risks of complications with the abortion pill. It may be contraindicated. Your doctor can best advise you based on your specific medical history.

Making the Best Choice for You

Pause, don’t make a decision based on fear or overwhelming emotions. Arm yourself with information about the potential risks, benefits, emotional aspects, and alternatives. Consult medical professionals about your specific health circumstances. You have the power to make the choice that provides the greatest care for both your pregnancy and yourself.


If you think you may be pregnant, and are considering abortion? Schedule an appointment at Hope Clinic. You have options.